7 Health Tech Landing Page Examples That Help Boost Conversions


“A better way” is vague (and used all the time). The second example focuses on legitimacy, something that is trusted. It’s precise.

Get more specific. Call out the exact solution.

The CTA is also more value-driven. Learn more doesn’t tell the reader what they are learning about.


“You” or “Your” words make it about the reader.

On top of that, your bullets should tease a specific benefit to readers. The second example unravels the benefits more.


If your audience doesn’t know you’re talking to them, then they won’t take action.

Know the audience’s stage of awareness. Are they brand-aware? Do they know what problem you solve?

Strive Health’s landing page makes it simple by calling out people with kidney conditions.


This landing page headline lacked value.

But their Google ad led with value. So I took a value prop from their Google ad and reworked it on their demo page.

Remind people why they clicked the Google ad. Reinforce that value.


Alma’s homepage ( a lead generation landing page) is unique because it’s focused on the solution, gives people options, and validates what it offers with stats.

It’s a good example of knowing the audience.


Sell the outcome on your landing page.

Don’t tell employers that you are covering employee health, tell them that you are covering their greatest asset.

Reframe it. Make it sound like you understand.


Don’t focus on a product or a partnership. You’re not helping people become partners. You’re helping them focus on what matters.

Focus on the emotional outcome.

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