5 Great Healthcare Copywriting Examples

Copywriting examples in healthcare are complex and a bit tricky.

Healthcare, especially B2B, often involves multiple audiences like providers, patients, healthcare systems, ACOs, and life plans. Everyone has wants and desires, and we all want to make everyone happy in the messaging.

Part of the fun of being a B2B copywriter is creating Venn Diagrams that show the overlap in messaging. You’re trying to reach multiple audiences with a singular focus on a message. You’re focusing on the rule of one – one core idea to reach everyone with.

Output image

AI’s attempt to create a Venn Diagram for me.

My creation in Canva.

Creating a powerful message for your website, demo page, and emails is more important than ever — especially when you need it to overlap with different audiences. And you want to talk to audiences, not at them.

Here are some examples that show you how to do it.

Tell the Audience Who You Are and How You Help Them

Vague messages don’t give audiences any insight. A powerful framework to follow is: Who you are and how you help. SimplePractice does an excellent job of doing that on it’s website.

I especially like the “from admin work to clinical care” but it’s a gold nugget of information that helps clarify the information even further.

Follow the Rule of One

The rule of one is all about focusing on a core idea. Don’t overcomplicate it. Don’t try to get all fancy and talk about all the core value points and stuff your headline with valuable nonsense.

Instead, think about the most valuable part of your offer. Think about what’s most attractive to your core audience of healthcare organizations, payors, or whoever is a part of your audience.

The example below is about the idea that a digital dental lab offers real time communication.

Parallelism and Rhythm Are Memorable

Healthcare is often seen as dry and boring messaging. B2B messaging always gets blamed for that.

Adding literay devices can help change that perspective. You don’t need to be super bubbly. You only need to add some flare to your messaging. Take the example below as an example.

The headline uses two parallel phrases (“Help your frontline. Improve your bottom line.”) creating a lovely rhythmic flow. The matching sentence structures make it more memorable and impactful for readers.

Follow the Problem-Solution Framework

The problem-solution framework is perfect for articulating problems your audience has fully articulated themselves. Maybe your audience has this pain, but your headline creates this “aha” moment for them.

The problem-solution is also powerful because you’re showing empathy to what your audience is going through instead of diving straight into the benefits of what you offer.

Never Underestimate the Rule of Three

Studies tell us that people tend to remember things when they are grouped by three. More importantly, you’re getting highly specific on what those three things can do for your audience:

  • Accurate (quality)
  • Reliable (consistency)
  • Empower (human impact)

Another key to remember is that this specific headline calls out the audience. CDI teams knows this is exactly meant for them.

Your Headlines Are the Gateway to Intrigue and Trust

Headlines are one of the most important elements of your emails, landing pages, home pages, and your ads.

Ogilvy said this about headlines: “On the average, five times as many people read the headline as read the body copy. When you have written your headline, you have spent eighty cents out of your dollar.”

A great headline can do the heavy lifting for you, especially in a market like B2B healthcare, when you’re trying to reach stakeholders. You’re trying to build trust and credibility. You’re trying to achieve clarity and reach multiple audiences with a core desire.

There’s always a challenge in writing headlines. And then going down the page to convince them of that promise you made in that headline.

But that’s ultimately the power of great messaging. It can do so much for you when you get it right.

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